Personal Savings and Money Market Accounts

Are you saving for a big goal? Or just for a rainy day? Arizona Central has you covered with a variety of savings options guaranteed to fit your lifestyle.

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  • $5 minimum deposit to open account1
  • Monthly dividends paid
  • Set up Automatic Transfers from your checking account!
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You-Name-It™ Savings Account

Are you saving for a special goal? With this account you can keep your funds separate in an account named by you. If you have multiple savings goals, you can even have multiple accounts all under your one membership number. Each month your statement will reflect the name you have chosen so you can keep track of your funds and your savings goals!

  • Open each account with as little as $0!
  • No monthly service fees
  • Set up Automatic Transfers from your checking account!

Money Market Account

Let your savings work harder for you. Your money is easily accessible, and you’ll earn higher dividends than with a regular savings account. The higher your balance, the higher the dividend rate earned.

  • 1,000 minimum deposit required to open account
  • When an average daily balance of $2,500 is maintained, there is no monthly service fee.2
    • A monthly service fee of $15 will be applied to all accounts that do not maintain this average daily balance
  • 3 withdrawals per month at no charge
  • Set up Automatic Transfers from your checking account!
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What Kind of Savings Account Should I Open?

Different savings accounts are designed to meet different savings goals and needs. For those who are new to saving or don’t have a lot to put down, a simple personal savings account may be best. If you’re saving for multiple goals—a major purchase, a vacation, or just because—consider one or more You-Name-It Savings accounts. These allow you to put money toward a specific goal.

For those who want a higher interest rate, a money market account may be a better choice. You’ll have less access to your funds—up to 3 withdrawals without fees—but interest rates are higher than a traditional savings account.

Can You Spend Money in Your Savings Account?

If you’re saving up for something, you may want to leave your money to sit. But if it’s time to make that big purchase, or even if you just want to pull some money out for a rainy day, it’s good to know you can withdraw money from a savings or money market account. Different accounts have limits to how many times you can withdraw and you may be subject to maintaining a minimum balance or face penalties.

woman taking a picture of a check
grow your savings

Set up Automatic Transfers!

All of our savings accounts give you the capability to set up automatic recurring transfers from your checking to your savings account! So you can grow your savings while you sleep, (literally)! Set it and Forget it! Here’s how to get started:

  1. Login to eBRANCH
  2. Select Move Money and click Make a Transfer
  3. Select the accounts you want to transfer From and To along with the Amount
  4. Click Repeat Transfer
  5. Schedule your Transfer Frequency – it’s easy!

How Does a Savings Account Interest Work?

One of the major benefits of a savings account is that your money is compounded with interest. Interest is the cost of borrowing money. When you take out a loan, you pay interest because you borrowed, but when you put money in a savings account you get paid interest, because you’re lending money to the bank. The bank, like Arizona Central, will set an interest rate and will offer an annual percentage yield (APY). An APY is a combination of the interest rate and how often the interest compounds.

At Arizona Central our interest rates compound annually, meaning the interest rate is the same as your APY.

Calculate your savings with our Annual Percentage Yield Calculator.

woman enjoying paperwork
bank workers looking at the camera

Why Arizona Central Credit Union?

Since 1939, we’ve proudly served Arizona with financial services and benefits that go beyond what regular banks are able to offer. From providing you with higher interest rates on your savings to lower banking fees, we aim to give you a better experience at every step.

  1. A $5 minimum balance must be maintained in this account at all times to remain eligible for credit union services and benefits.
  2. Account only remains fee free for a single service account with a monthly average daily balance of $2,500 or more. 
Deep Roots, Strong Community:

Savings Options

 Savings Accounts

Your needs, your savings. Explore our personalized range of solutions designed to match your financial goals.


Our exclusive savings and education program is specially curated for teen members aged 13 to 17.

 Retirement Accounts

Discover the benefits of IRAs – enjoy potential tax-deferred, tax-deductible or tax-exempt earnings, ultimately saving you money.

 of Deposit

Experience the best of both worlds – great rates and low-risk with our CDs. Enjoy the predictability of dividend earnings from the very beginning.

CU Grow Youth
 Savings Account

We’re here to help the younger generation learn about financial literacy.

Savings Accounts

Our HSA provides a tax-advantaged tool for paying qualified medical expenses, allowing you to take control of your healthcare expenses.